First-Time Homebuyer Veterans Choose
the VA Hybrid ARM

The top two requirements of first-time home buyers who visit us are low interest rates and low monthly payments. What they're really saying is that they want to save money. The VA Hybrid gives you the lowest rates on the market. Because of the low interest rates, you will also get some of the lowest monthly payments as well.
If you're a veteran of any branch of the military there is no reason why you shouldn't add the VA Hybrid ARM to your list of potential mortgage loans. You won't find lower interest rates anywhere because of the governments partial guaranteed. This guarantee also makes these loans the safest for veterans and lenders.
First-time home buyers also worry about their interest rates rising. This is why a lot of them get talked into fixed-rate loans when these may in fact not be the best option for them. Those first-time home buyers who are worried about the potential of rising interest rates with their VA Hybrid ARMs should understand a couple of things about these loans.
First, these loans have interest-rate caps. Yes, interest rates will probably go up in the future. But you will be protected from explosive increases with yearly and lifetime caps. In any given year, you are guaranteed that your interest rate will not go up more than 1%. Over the life of you loan, this cap is 5%. You'll never hit the highs we saw in the 1980s of 18% interest rates.
Second, depending on your choice and desire for lower interest rates, you will be locked into your low starting interest rate for a minimum of 3 years. The other option is 5 years. The 3 year option gives you a rate lower than ones you might find elsewhere.
As a first-time home buyer, you are beginning to understand how big of an investment and decision home buying really is. Please speak with one of our VA-approved loan specialists to help answer your questions about the VA Hybrid ARM.